Laravel Project




ALYTE INCORPORATED ALYTE INC is a multifaceted New york based holdings Company, formulated in 2007 in existence since2000. Alyte Consulting - Alyte Entertainment, AlyteUniversity - The Gold Room. All of the Names logo's and likeness of these entities, are all the sole ownership and property of the Alyte Holdings Corporation. "Let Your Network Be You Net Worth". Alyte is used for posting Blog Posts. It is develope by using demandable framework Laravel. In Alyte you can post new blog from the very less time and very easily.


In order to creating Altye we need strategic opportunities for a particular business or organizational, By cultivating existing partnerships or creating new ones, identifying new Markets for its products or service.

A Simple Html Static Website ( ALYTE ) converted to Dynamic Website using Laravel PHP Framework, so user can dynamically add content. Do CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete ) Opertaions for the website so website admin can handle the website easily and manage his/her content, images. Content is managed by Admin from Backend area for Frontend views. Admin can handle Pages, Blog Post, Users etc. from Admin Panel easily. In order to create Alyte the foucus of our team how secure and user friendy it is beacuse in Alyte admin can upload new blog posts and manage the old one's fast. We made it to easy for admin to add new blog posts and manage all over it from the backend at one place.






February 28, 2022
